Monday, June 28, 2010

Finished Castles!!!!

Jo came in last week to help us design our castle windows and doors. Then we drew and painted them on. They look wonderful. I liked making the castle because it was fun!

By Rhianna


  1. Wow, these all look great!!
    Lots of imagination and heaps of fun to do these.
    You should all be proud of your castles.
    Ness. (Mrs Schedewy).

  2. Thanks for letting us make these castles Mrs Stevens.
    It was fun.

  3. I keep thinking of Fantasyland at Disneyland when I see your lovely castles. I wonder who lives in them?
    Mrs Duffin

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Room 3 Response
    "Harry, a troll, Dumbledore, Hermione, Ron, Snape and Professor McGonagall all live in the castle"
    Finn said "we would like to live in the castle too!"

  6. I have my own castle in my bedroom. I am liking my new house. I started at my new school today, My teachers name is Mr Morely. I have had a good holiday, I went in grandads boat. We took our kayak to the beach yesterday. I miss all my friends at Tomarata I have made some new friends at Snells Beach School. Love Trace
