Wednesday, March 2, 2011

If I Could Fly....

o Use a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence
o Use a full stop at the end of a sentence
o Use adjectives in our writing

Has Malia remembered the Learning Intention? How many adjectives can you find in her writing?

If I had wings and could fly, I’d fly to Scotland and fly over the blue sparkling water.
I would fly over the beautiful flowers and see the yellow castles!
By Malia


  1. Great writing Malia, keep up the great work!!

    Sheryl Tomas

  2. Lots of great words in your story Malia.
    Vannessa Schedewy

  3. Makes me want to go to Scotland!!

    Warwick Tomas

  4. I found 4 adjectives, Malia. You were able to paint a lovely picture with your words.
    Mrs Duffin

  5. I love your class photo - what a gorgeous looking class you are.Hope you've had helpful hands this week
    Mrs Chambers
